Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Baby Video Monitor is the Best Choice for Concerned Parents

By Candace Martin

You want to be able to watch your beautiful new baby every hour of the day, but unfortunately, there are still lots of things that need to be done around the house. This is why you'll need to find a quality video baby monitor that will allow you to see all your little one's activities, even when you're not in the room.

A video monitor can allow you to see what else is happening with your baby besides the normal noises and crying. It may reveal to you that your baby is managing to pull things into the crib that is near his or her reach. If your baby is suddenly sick, you can be quickly alerted if your baby is coughing or vomiting. Having a baby video monitor is essential to view things that can be avoided in the future to ensure safety for your child.

If you have a large house with more than one child, a baby video monitor that offers multiple channels can be something to think about. This can give you the option of adding on more cameras for different rooms that you want to keep an eye on. This is particularly ideal for large families because it allows parents to watch all the children at the same time if they are in different rooms.

A baby video monitor that has an intercom is something that is useful to communicate with your baby. With a two way intercom, you can hear anything coming from the baby's room. You will be able to comfort your child with the sound of your voice from another room with an intercom. This will allow you to be able to do what you need to do from another room and still be there for your baby.

Do make sure that your baby video monitor will not interfere with other devices in your home. Take note of what is going to be in the room where you will be placing the baby video monitor. Choosing a digital baby monitor will help eliminate interference of the devices in your home.

If you're not sure where to go to purchase a video baby monitor, you can check out some online sources that will help you to narrow down your choices. For instance, when you find a baby monitor that you want on Amazon.com, you'll be able to get a link to the brand's website, as well as detailed reviews that will tell you the pros and cons of each product. A descriptive picture will show you exactly how the monitor will look when it arrives in the mail, and you'll find all the sellers that are offering the product at affordable prices.

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Teaching Baby Sign Language With Music

By Ana Dupas

Even if you take time to sign during your regular interactions with your baby, there is more to teaching them sign language than just talking with them. That's necessary, of course, and you need to be consistent in using signs for objects and ideas, so the baby will learn them. But you expect the baby to learn everything else by several different means, and it's the same with this type of learning as well. There are baby sign instructional materials like books and flash cards, and you may even buy toys that can help, but music and songs provide a very important supplement.

A lot of the organization of the programs that demonstrate sign language for babies is based on the social and medical appreciation of early childhood development. So it's understandable that the makers of these programs have incorporated music, because it has such a big part in baby learning generally.

Even the Baby Einstein regimen, which started out attempting to increase babies' cerebral aptitude with classical music and poetry, has become involved in the baby sign language realm. It provides a video known as "My First Signs - See & Sign With Baby," which teaches easy signs along with speech and, not surprisingly, classical music.

Baby Signs, Inc. is more heavily and directly involved in baby sign work, and this company's products include music, as well as books, toys and instructional videos. They have several different music bundles, including a Music CD called "If You're Happy and You Know it." Meanwhile, at the www.signbabies.com website you also find that in their "Signing Time" instructional packages, not only are there DVDs that teach the signs themselves, but each one has an accompanying music CD. You can also sometimes find local play groups that use music to teach signs as the children interact with each other.

Between signing videos, books, toys and CDs, you will have no lack of baby sign resources for teaching your child this new method of communication. Music has always been one of the primary learning tools for infants, and can provide yet another avenue for your own baby. It will also add an element of fun and relaxation to the learning process. Keep music in mind as one of your teaching tools as you begin to introduce sign language to your baby.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Right Age For Potty Training

By Paul Jason James

One of the most frequently asked questions by first time parents is "what is the right age for potty training?" The short answer to that is There isn't one

Regardless of what you may hear from well-meaning friends and relatives, the right age to potty train your child is when your child is ready. Attempting to potty train a child who has not shown any signs of readiness will frustrate both you and the child and very possibly make him resistant to potty training in the future. Helping Your Child Get Ready You can help your child get ready for potty training by encouraging his natural curiosity. Let him follow you into the bathroom and explain that you're going potty. Let him learn how the toilet works. If his natural curiosity leads him to start happily flushing everything in sight, a simple toilet lid lock from the hardware store will save your sanity and your pocketbook.

You can also help him recognize that he goes potty. Ask him if his diaper is wet. When he starts to tell you on his own that he needs to be changed, he's getting close to being ready for potty training. Switching to cloth diapers at this point will also help since the cloth diapers don't wick the moisture away from his skin, he will be more able to feel wet.

Be Ready Yourself

Prepare for potty training by having the things you'll need on hand. If you decide to use a potty seat or potty chair, have it ready. Your child will need training pants or underwear which you can let him choose. He may decide to give it a try if it means he gets to wear his special new Superman underwear.

Get Your Team Ready

Anyone who interacts with your child needs to be prepared to support your potty training efforts and methods. Daycare providers, relatives, friends or anyone who may need to help him needs to know what words he'll use to tell them he needs to go potty and what do to help him.

He will become frustrated with the process if he tries to tell someone he needs to use the bathroom, and they don't understand what he means or what routine he's expecting. If you are using a sticker chart or other reinforcement/reward system, he will be very put out if he uses the potty and doesn't get a sticker from grandma.

The only one who can tell you when your child is ready for potty training is your child. By being ready yourself, you'll be able to act quickly and take advantage of the window of opportunity when it presents itself

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Friday, December 18, 2009

A Look At The Baby Monitor Movement

By Chris Frost

Many parents are told of the changes of incidents that can happen in the first few weeks that a newborn is brought home from the hospital. The fear that a baby may stop breathing when a parent is asleep often cause new parents to spend many sleepless hours monitoring their baby. New advances in technology significantly reduce the fear that this parents have. The baby monitor movement systems that have been developed provide parents with the sensors that alert parents if there are any incidents when an infant is asleep.

Parents are able to rest and sleep soundly knowing that the system will alert them if the baby stops moving for fifteen to twenty seconds. The alert will provide parents with the opportunity to intervene in the incident before any injury occurs. If there is movement in the nursery that should not occur during the night, an alarm will alert parents to the movement without waking the sleeping infant.

Technology has now advanced to the point where these sensitive pads, when placed under the baby, monitor every movement and breath. Alarms are not only designed to go off when babies move in certain ways, but also alert parents to irregular breathing patterns. If the baby does not move at all for 15 seconds, alarms will also sound.

The systems provide parents and caregivers with the ability to proactively protect their infants and babies. The highly sophisticated systems have significantly reduced the issues that result when a baby stops breathing. When the alarms are set for motion detection in a nursery, they also monitor the rooms movement and alert parents to the entry and movement of siblings when baby is asleep.

It is important to remember that even when babies sleep they move. They toss and turn, just like adults, and they even move when they breathe. If caregivers should become concerned, the night-light qualities the monitors contain illuminate just enough to guide parents to their precious bundle. Many also include a room temperature gauge as well as a remote control which will turn on a sound system when a baby becomes fussy.

Parents are provided receiving units that are mobile. Some of the units are made to sit on a counter or table. These units allow a parent to monitor their infant easily when they are eating dinner or reading. Other monitoring systems provide mobile receivers that clip on the clothing of the parent. These units receive clear audio transmissions from as far away as four hundred feet.

The safety and comfort of the infant as well as the peace-of-mind of parents is the number one priority of product designers. As a result, no cords or external power source exists, sensors are lightweight, and materials used are hypo-allergenic. Additionally, since they are battery operated they can be taken anywhere and work as long as the receiver is within 400 yards of the infant.

The extra level of protection provided by the baby monitor movement system is an invaluable aid to parents of newborns. The anxiety that many new parents feel regarding the safety of the newborn when they are asleep is removed when they know that an alarm will sound if the baby stops moving or breathing. This allows parents to get the kind of rest that they need to be alert when they are attending to the baby.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lose Fat After Pregnancy - 3 Fast Tips On Losing Fat After Having A Child

By Jessica Cullen

Do you want to hurriedly lose fat after pregnancy? In this article you will discover 3 fast tips to lose fat after having a little one.

There are many Mothers that find it virtually unattainable to lose fat after pregnancy. When hormones are flying around, the new baby is taking up your time, you maybe have a profession and spouse to to care of, it can be not easy. There just does not seem to be enough time in the day! If you are feeling like a wreck, you are not unaccompanied. I too was one of those Mothers that had this feeling and was totally despondent. It's hard to know what to do when your head is spinning.

Let us move on and speak about some constructive things that you can do instead of focusing on the negative that may be surround our lives.

Lose Fat After Pregnancy

Tip #1 - Drink Plenty Of Water

It is very crucial that you drink plenty of water. By not getting enough water you will allow toxins to remained trapped into your body and you will not be able to rid yourself of them. It is possible that you are holding onto mass that you do not have to just by not drinking enough water.

Tip #2 - Stand When You Usually Sit

Increasing your calorie burn can be done easily and simply just by standing when you would customarily sit. This may seem very simple but every extra bit of fat that you burn adds up!

Tip #3 - Stop Stressing

One other thing that can make us hold onto fat that we should not have to have on our bodies is that of being stressed all of the time. We are holding onto nasty fat when we permit our stress levels to rise.

Lose Fat After Pregnancy

Hold on my friend. You are a strong woman and I have faith in you. You will be able to lose fat after pregnancy.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Several Helpful Tips For New Parents Caring For Their Newborn Child

By Cindy Richmark

Regardless of how many baby books you read, prepare to be unprepared for the surprises of first-time parenthood. There are few rules that you can count upon for every circumstance. In fact, many experienced parents will admit that the time they spent caring for their first baby was a matter of trial and error, rather than methodical procedure. That said, there are a few "proven" strategies that tend to work most of the time. If you're a new parent, you'll find the following four tips helpful when caring for your first baby.

Tip 1 - Establish A Nightly Routine

The goal is to prepare your little one for bed and encourage her to sleep peacefully. Unfortunately, left to her own devices, she may resist. Create a routine that you take her through each night in preparation for bedtime. That will help her calibrate her internal clock. As she grows accustomed to her nightly routine, her body will adjust and she'll become predictably sleepy. Give her a bath and read to her. Turn the television off at least sixty minutes before her bedtime. The peace and quiet will feel soothing to her and will lure her into slumber.

Tip 2 - Lower The Monitor Volume

Parents have managed to care for their babies for thousands of years without the help of baby monitors. Yet, new moms and dads often find themselves relying upon the sounds of their infants for comfort. Lower the monitor's volume. Or, turn it off completely. Chances are, if your little one cries, you'll be able to hear her without it.

Tip 3 - Prevent Overly Long Naps

If you allow your infant to take long naps during the afternoon, she's less likely to be sleepy at night. A lot of new parents mistakenly think they should avoid waking their slumbering babies. Keep in mind that letting her sleep during the day may mean having to stay awake in the late evening. Limit her naps to two hours.

Tip 4 - Feed Her When She's Hungry

Even though you might enjoy three meals a day at specific times, your little one needs to develop her own schedule. If she's hungry, don't make her wait. If your infant is constantly hungry, check with your pediatrician to make sure she's healthy. By the time she reaches six or seven months, she'll have developed her own feeding rhythm.

If you're new to parenting, expect to make plenty of mistakes. Every infant is a little different. The advice given in most baby books won't apply to each one. Nor will the advice apply in every situation. That's the reason most experts suggest that parents follow their instincts. At the end of your little one's first year, you'll be able to warn other new parents that their experience will be filled with surprises.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Baby Teething Tips

By Paarth Kumar

Babies start teething at an age of three months and continue this unto an age of three years. While it has also been discovered that one in two thousand babies are born with one tooth at least. But how to get the information that baby is teething.

1. While teething the calcium mass of teeth pushes the gums to open wide and creates a way for its sprouting out. This causes the itchiness in gums, which makes baby to gnaw any object that is within reach. This biting and chewing puts the pressure and friction felt like scratching on the gums and usually is relieving for the irritable feel to baby.

TIP: To handle this itching teething rings, teething objects and teething biscuits are recommended. Freeze them hard and then give to the bay to chew that of course will loosen the pain and irritation.

2. Gums get swollen, red and bruised because the tooth puts pressure from inside. It is the process like a hard rock pressurizing against a lumpy mass. This creates pain and irritation in and around the gums. This activity gets more intense during the night, causing more pain in the gums. Due to this baby get irritated and starts weeping frequently and gets sleep disruption whole night. Sometimes the pain of teething gets so intense that it enters the Eustachian canal and due to this baby pulls ear more frequently to get a relief from pain.

TIP: Administer the medication as prescribed by the pediatrician and carefully and softly rub chilled wash cloth on the gums.

3. During teething the drooling is more intense and sudden, while reverse is not always true. This salivation is due to the excessive activities of mouth and gums by baby.

TIP: Excessive salivation can cause sores in the neck creases. So always keep a saliva napkin attached and also apply some baby powder in the crease area so that moisture gets soaked up.

4. Eating routines and functions of baby change drastically. Many babies only succumb to breast or bottle feeding, while others avoid this also because of excessive pains in gums. It could be that baby may start eating more solids than before to create a scratching effect for the itching gums.

TIP: Give baby the teething biscuits and cookies for non paining gums, while for painful gums medication is recommended, plus you can massage mildly with extreme chilled wash cloth.

Teething experience varies from kids to kids and some times effects like fever, loose motion or bleeding of gums are visible. Parents must consult doctor immediately and get proper medication prescribed for the baby.

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